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The Dos and Don'ts of Writing a Press Release

Writing an effective press release requires following certain rules and guidelines.

From formatting to content, tone, distribution, images, follow-up, and proofreading, understanding the dos and don'ts of writing a press release can make the difference between success and failure.

Learn the basics of writing a press release with this comprehensive guide.

When formatting a press release, it is important to ensure that it is organized and professional in order to ensure maximum impact. Use a legible font size and include a headline that succinctly summarizes the content.

Make sure to include contact information in the opening paragraph, as well as the date of the release. Utilize paragraph breaks to keep the content organized and easy to read. Avoid using jargon and overly complicated sentences.

Keep sentences to the point and concise. Include quotes from relevant sources to add credibility and ensure accuracy. Lastly, include a call to action at the end, such as requesting readers to contact the organization for more information.


Moreover, when writing a press release, it is important to ensure that the content is concise, relevant, and newsworthy. Avoid fluff and strive for clarity, conciseness, and precision. It should contain all the relevant facts about the topic and be written in an objective tone.

It should also provide enough information to get the reader interested in the story. Additionally, including quotes from key sources can add credibility to the press release and make it more engaging.

Furthermore, if the press release is being sent to a specific outlet, make sure that the content is tailored to the target audience. Finally, strive to include an engaging headline and make sure to proofread the content before submission.



First and foremost, it is important to maintain a professional tone in a press release, avoiding any kind of exaggeration or opinionated language. This will help ensure that the press release is taken seriously and is not dismissed as a mere marketing ploy.

To that end, it is important to stick to the facts and to avoid any kind of unfounded claims. Additionally, it is important to avoid any kind of language that is too flowery, which can distract from the core message.

Instead, strive for clarity and conciseness with precision in the language used. This will help ensure that the press release is an effective communication tool that can reach the intended audience.


Once a press release is written, the next step in the process is to ensure proper distribution. It is important to target the right outlets, including relevant websites, newspapers, magazines, and radio and television shows.

Researching the outlets and considering their audience is vital to determine the best fit for your press release. To ensure more visibility, it is also advisable to submit the press release to multiple outlets.

Additionally, ensure the press release meets the requirements of the outlets, such as length, format, and subject matter. Finally, it is important to monitor the press release for any feedback from the outlets and the public. With proper distribution, the press release can reach its intended audience.


Although visuals can be a great addition to a press release, it is important to be mindful of the images used and to ensure they are relevant and appropriate. When choosing images, consider the audience and the message you are trying to convey.

Quality images should be professional, eye-catching, and of a high resolution. Images should not be overly promotional or contain any branding.

Additionally, double-check that any images used are relevant to the message. If an image does not add any value to the release, it should be avoided. Finally, include captions to help explain the context behind the image.

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An important part of the press release process is the follow-up, which should include a series of actions to measure the success of the release and to further engage with media and the public. After a release has been distributed, it is important to measure the success of the release.

Key performance indicators should be established to measure the outcomes, such as tracking how many publications have picked up the story or how many click-throughs the release has generated. If possible, it is also advisable to reach out to the media contacts to build relationships and to track how the story is being covered.

Additionally, it is important to monitor the online conversations related to the release. This helps to understand how the public is responding to the story. By taking all these steps, press releases can be used as an effective tool for building relationships and promoting a brand.


Frequently Asked Questions

When writing a press release, there are a few common mistakes to avoid. Firstly, using too much jargon or complex language can be off-putting and difficult for the reader to understand. Secondly, it is important to avoid overstating claims or exaggerating facts, as this can damage a company's credibility. Additionally, providing too much information or going off-topic can make a press release appear unprofessional. Lastly, it is important to proofread the press release for any typos or grammar errors.

The key to getting a press release to go viral is to ensure it has a strong headline and a compelling narrative. Crafting an engaging story that resonates with readers is paramount to success. Consider including a relevant image or video to draw readers in, and be sure to include a well-crafted call-to-action at the end. Additionally, reach out to influencers and ask them to share your press release to maximize its potential reach. With the right combination of content and promotion, your press release can become a viral sensation.

When it comes to press releases, the optimal length is around 500 words. It should be concise and clear, expressing the main message in the first few sentences. The release should also include enough detail to provide the reader with a comprehensive understanding of the topic. As a general guideline, try to limit each paragraph to no more than three sentences. Additionally, avoid using jargon and technical terms, and remember that a catchy headline is key to getting noticed.