Herniated Disc Treatment

Clinique TAGMED Offers Effective Shockwave Therapy in Montreal & Terrebonne

The medical industry has seen significant improvements in recent years, including new drugs, therapies, and medical technologies. Radial shockwave therapy is one such development in the treatment of tendon injuries. High-intensity sound pulses are sent directly to the wounded tissues, tendons, muscles, and bones using a Radial Shockwave machine, quickly eliciting a healing response and reigniting the body's healing mechanism. Shockwave therapy is used to stimulate healing and reduce pain in addition to regular osteopathic treatment and management.

Shockwave therapy has been used successfully to treat musculoskeletal problems, reduce pain, and enhance function. By directing its energy toward problem locations, the treatment option can target specific spots in the body. The osteopaths at Clinique TAGMED can treat injuries faster and more effectively with radial Shockwave therapy, allowing patients to return to everyday life sooner and with longer-lasting results.

Radial shockwave therapy is a non-invasive treatment that stimulates healing in damaged tissue by using high-energy shockwaves (which use compression rather than electricity). The shockwaves are supplied to the damaged area via a handheld device and are supposed to enhance blood flow, stimulate tissue growth, and reduce inflammation, all of which can hasten the healing process. It is frequently used to treat chronic pain disorders involving thickened or disorganized tissue, such as tendinopathy, plantar fasciitis, and ancient muscle tears. In addition, shockwave therapy has long been utilized in osteopathy, physiotherapy, and sports medicine as a non-invasive alternative to more invasive procedures like surgery and injections.

Herniated Disc Treatment

How Does Radial Shockwave Therapy Work?

Shockwave therapy stimulates the healing process in injured and disordered tissue by providing high-energy shockwaves to the affected area. A handheld device applied to the skin delivers shock waves in short bursts of varied frequencies and intensities. When shockwaves collide with the skin, they generate a mechanical pressure wave that can trigger microscopic cavitations, improving blood flow, softening tissue adhesions, reducing inflammation, and desensitizing mechanical nerve receptors. This can assist in reducing pain and improving function in the affected area.

Although the precise methods by which radial shockwave therapy promotes tissue healing are unknown, it is assumed that the shockwaves may stimulate the synthesis of chemicals known as growth factors, which play an essential part in tissue repair and healing.

How Does Radial Shockwave Therapy Work?

How Do Osteopaths Manage Therapy Sessions for Better Results?

The number of radial shockwave therapy sessions necessary can vary depending on the ailment being treated and the individual's responsiveness to the treatment. Most patients will take 6 to 10 sessions of radial shockwave therapy to obtain the desired effects; however, some may require more or fewer sessions.

The osteopath will analyze the problem and decide the best treatment strategy during the first session of radial shockwave therapy. This could entail delivering shockwaves to the damaged area for a brief time, then gradually increasing the duration and strength of the treatment during future sessions.

The amount and frequency of sessions will be adjusted to the individual's requirements and goals, and the healthcare professional will assess the treatment response to determine whether additional sessions are required. Shockwave therapy is frequently combined with other therapies, such as acupuncture and manual therapy.

Radial shockwave therapy is a safe and effective treatment for chronic pain disorders in general, and most people notice a considerable reduction in their symptoms after a course of treatment. The number of sessions needed, however, can vary, and it is critical to follow the healthcare provider's directions and attend all scheduled appointments to get the greatest potential outcome.

Herniated Disc Treatment

Pain Disorders Treated by Osteopaths With Shockwave Therapy

Radial shockwave therapy works well for disorders affecting the tendons, ligaments, and other soft tissue structures. Radial shockwave therapy is most beneficial for the following conditions:

  • Tendinitis, or tendinopathy, is a common ailment that causes inflammation and pain in the tendons that connect muscles to bones. Radial shockwave therapy can aid in the reduction of inflammation and the resolution of defective tissue growth in the tendons. It helps treat elbow, shoulder, hip, knee, hamstring, and Achilles tendonitis.
  • Plantar fasciitis is a disorder that causes discomfort and inflammation in the tissue that runs from the heel to the toes on the sole. Radial shockwave therapy can assist in alleviating plantar fascia inflammation and discomfort.
  • Calcific tendinitis is a disorder that causes calcium deposits to accumulate in the tendons, causing pain and stiffness. Radial shockwave therapy can aid in the breakdown of calcium deposits and reduce pain and stiffness in the affected area.
  • Tennis elbow, also known as lateral epicondylitis, is a disorder that causes elbow pain and inflammation due to repetitive stress or overuse. Radial shockwave therapy may be a helpful treatment for tennis elbow since it can assist in relieving pain and enhance function in the elbow.

Radial shockwave therapy may also benefit other chronic pain diseases affecting the tendons, joints, and other soft tissue structures, such as chronic back pain, anterior tibialis syndrome, and shoulder impingement syndrome. Before beginning treatment, it is critical to explore the potential advantages and hazards of radial shockwave therapy with an osteopath or other healthcare providers.

Pain Disorders Treated by Osteopaths With Shockwave Therapy
Benefits of Shockwave Therapy in Osteopathy

Mentioned below are some of the many advantages provided by shockwave therapy at an osteopathic center:

  • Enhanced healing by increasing collagen synthesis
  • Stimulation of the healing mechanism of the body
  • Side effects are minor and non-invasive
  • Formation of new blood vessels, which improves blood and oxygen delivery to the area for healing
  • A faster healing process
  • Pain mediators are dispersed to provide immediate pain relief
  • Evidence-based treatment strategies are employed
Clinique TAGMED Uses Specialized Treatments For Osteopathy

Healthcare professionals at Clinique TAGMED have extensive training in innovative fields and more than 30 years of professional experience, allowing them to meet better the needs of a diverse range of clients with health issues that are difficult to treat using more traditional techniques. Clinique TAGMED is a Canadian clinic specializing in cutting-edge musculoskeletal disease treatment and has offices in Terrebonne and Montreal. Arthritis, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, bursitis and tendonitis, capsulitis, arm, elbow or wrist, knee, foot, heel Spur, Morton's Neuroma, the point between the shoulder blades, template problems, torticollis, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, and misaligned vertebrae are all treated at the clinic. These conditions are treated with osteopathy, spinal decompression, laser, and shockwave therapy.

Clinique TAGMED Uses Specialized Treatments For Osteopathy